Personal Injury Orange County Tags

The Dangers of Truck Accidents Involving Improperly Loaded Cargo

Attorney Sean M. Burke can help clients seek compensation for damages suffered during a truck accident involving improperly loaded cargo.

Posted by Sean Burke on Nov 19, 2014

Auto Accidents and Teens: Dangers On the Road

Teenage drivers are more prone to causes and being involved in accidents due to inexperience, risky behaviors, drunk driving, and other serious issues.

Posted by Sean Burke on Oct 27, 2014

Surprising California Auto Accident Statistics

Did you know that there hasn’t been a day without a traffic fatality in California since 2009? Read more surprising statistics in this article.

Posted by Sean Burke on Oct 21, 2014

Defective Toys Can Lead to Child Injuries

When a defective toy leads to the injury of an innocent child, attorney Sean M. Burke can fight to ensure that the victim’s rights are…

Posted by Sean Burke on Sep 27, 2014

Who’s at Fault in an Accident Caused by Auto Defects?

Auto accident attorney Sean M. Burke discusses the legal rights of victims of auto accidents that were caused by auto defects.

Posted by Sean Burke on Sep 17, 2014

Truck Accidents Caused by Driver Fatigue

Personal injury attorney Sean M. Burke expertly handles litigation arising from truck accidents resulting from driver fatigue.

Posted by Sean Burke on Aug 28, 2014

Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents: Cracked and Uneven Sidewalks

Cracked sidewalks and damaged pavement can lead to serious slip, trip, and fall accidents. Personal injury lawyers can help you with premises liability litigation.

Posted by Sean Burke on Jul 27, 2014

Protecting the Rights of Victims of Auto Accidents Involving Distracted Drivers

Auto accident lawyer Sean M. Burke fights to hold distracted drivers accountable when their reckless behavior results in a car accident.

Posted by Sean Burke on Jul 17, 2014

Types of Premises Liability Accidents

Premises liability claims can arise from any number of accidents, including slip and fall, trip and fall, and elevator accidents.

Posted by Sean Burke on Jun 27, 2014

Causes of Single- and Multiple-vehicle Auto Accidents

Personal injury attorney Sean M. Burke explains the causes of single- and multiple-vehicle auto accidents.

Posted by Sean Burke on May 27, 2014

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