Personal Injury Orange County Tags

Fighting for Just Compensation for Quadriplegia Victims

Injury attorney Sean M. Burke helps his clients fight for just compensation following an injury that results in quadriplegia.

Posted by Sean Burke on Dec 31, 2015

What You Need to Know about Paraplegia Lawsuits

Paraplegia lawsuits can be complex, requiring an experienced personal injury lawyer who can skillfully identify all potential future damages.

Posted by Sean Burke on Dec 17, 2015

Bicycle Accident Lawsuits

Cyclists have the same rights as car drivers on the road, so they need an experienced attorney by their side after an accident.

Posted by Sean Burke on Nov 26, 2015

Brain Injury Causes: Dealing with Head Trauma

Brain injuries and head trauma can be caused by collisions, accidents, workplace incidents, contact sports, and physical alterations.

Posted by Sean Burke on Nov 16, 2015

Battling PTSD after an Auto Accident

Auto accident attorney Sean M. Burke can provide legal advice to those suffering from PTSD after an auto accident.

Posted by Sean Burke on Oct 26, 2015

Defective Seatbelts Can Have Deadly Consequences

Auto accident attorney Sean M. Burke can help clients who have been injured in an accident involving a defective seatbelt.

Posted by Sean Burke on Oct 15, 2015

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Suit?

To sue for wrongful death, you must be able to prove that you have suffered financial damage. Spouses, children, and grandchildren may qualify.

Posted by Sean Burke on Aug 25, 2015

Understanding the Different Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

The type of spinal cord injury you have will determine how much your mobility and feeling are affected. The location will also affect your symptoms.

Posted by Sean Burke on Jul 26, 2015

Defective Tires Can Cause Life-Altering Car Accidents

There are many parties who may be responsible for defective tires. Attorney Burke will investigate these car accidents to determine legal liability.

Posted by Sean Burke on Jun 16, 2015

The Dangers of Texting while Driving

Auto accident attorney Sean M. Burke can seek financial compensation for those injured as the result of a car accident caused by texting while driving.

Posted by Sean Burke on May 16, 2015

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