Personal Injury Orange County Tags

Sideswipe Auto Accidents - Who Is at Fault?

In the case of sideswipe auto accidents, who is at fault? Our experienced legal team explains how to determine the answer to this question.

Posted by Sean Burke on Mar 18, 2015

The Dangers of High-impact Auto Accidents on Highways

Any auto accident can result in serious injury, but high-speed crashes pose a serious and widespread problem. 

Posted by Sean Burke on Mar 02, 2015

Auto Accidents and Seniors: Facts About Elderly Motorists

Though elderly drivers are more susceptible to injury in auto accidents, they are generally the safest drivers on the road.

Posted by Sean Burke on Feb 18, 2015

Auto Accidents and DUIs: Why to Avoid Drinking and Driving

DUI and DWI auto accidents can result in major injuries and death. Motor vehicle collisions caused by drunk drivers require skilled lawyers to seek damages…

Posted by Sean Burke on Dec 27, 2014

Auto Accidents and Poor Weather Conditions

Poor weather conditions can cause accidents by making the road slippery or flooded. In rain, snow, and ice, motorists need to drive carefully to avoid…

Posted by Sean Burke on Nov 28, 2014

Auto Accidents and Teens: Dangers On the Road

Teenage drivers are more prone to causes and being involved in accidents due to inexperience, risky behaviors, drunk driving, and other serious issues.

Posted by Sean Burke on Oct 27, 2014

Surprising California Auto Accident Statistics

Did you know that there hasn’t been a day without a traffic fatality in California since 2009? Read more surprising statistics in this article.

Posted by Sean Burke on Oct 21, 2014

Who’s at Fault in an Accident Caused by Auto Defects?

Auto accident attorney Sean M. Burke discusses the legal rights of victims of auto accidents that were caused by auto defects.

Posted by Sean Burke on Sep 17, 2014

Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Lane Splitting

Although lane splitting is legal in the state of California, it can still be quite dangerous, leading to serious motorcycle accidents.

Posted by Sean Burke on Aug 18, 2014

Protecting the Rights of Victims of Auto Accidents Involving Distracted Drivers

Auto accident lawyer Sean M. Burke fights to hold distracted drivers accountable when their reckless behavior results in a car accident.

Posted by Sean Burke on Jul 17, 2014

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