Sean M. Burke, APC

What to Do After a Car Accident

Jun 9, 2022 @ 08:24 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: What To Do After A Car Accident

Motor vehicle accidents can happen at any time. It’s normal for people to be caught off guard and unsure of what to do after an accident, especially when injuries are involved.  

At the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke, our attorneys help take the confusion out of what to do after a car accident in Irvine, CA, and surrounding areas. If you have been involved in a car accident, we welcome you to contact our law firm today. 

Check for Injuries and Seek Any Necessary Medical Attention

Immediately after an accident, check yourself and passengers for injuries. Call 911 for medical assistance if there are any injuries.  

It’s important to be aware that some injuries, like neck and head injuries, may seem minor at first but can become more severe several hours later or the following day. Such injuries should be evaluated by a medical professional. 

Move to a Safe Location and Call the Police

If your car is operational, move it to a safe location. However, do not leave the scene of the accident. 

If there are any injuries or fatalities, the police need to be called to the car accident. Also, if you suspect the other driver committed traffic violations, it’s important to call the police so that citations or arrests, if necessary, can be made. 

Exchange Information but Don’t Admit Fault

If medical care is not needed, Irvine drivers should exchange contact and insurance information. This information should include:

While exchanging information, it’s important not to admit or discuss fault as well as avoid apologizing as this can be considered an admission of fault. Insurance companies investigate accidents to determine fault. 

Document the Accident

Document the accident as much as possible by taking pictures of the accident site, the vehicles involved, damage to all vehicles involved, and anything else pertinent to the accident. 

If police have been called to the accident, get the responding officers’ names and badge numbers. Ask where and when you can get a copy of the police report. 

If there were any witnesses to the accident, ask for their names and contact information. 

Contact Your Insurance Provider

If your vehicle isn’t operational, you should contact your insurance provider to arrange for it to be towed.

Even if you are able to drive your vehicle, it can be beneficial to call your insurance provider while still at the scene of the accident. By doing so, you may be less likely to miss getting information needed by your insurance provider to start your claims process. 

Consult an Attorney

Finally, it’s recommended to consult an auto accident attorney after a car accident, especially if there were serious injuries. An auto accident attorney can help accident victims recover the compensation they deserve for their injuries as well as other damages including:

Contact the Law Firm of Sean M. Burke

If you have been injured in a car accident and would like to discuss your case with a car accident attorney, call our Irvine law firm at (949) 644-3434 to schedule a consultation