Sean M. Burke, APC

How Can Medical Malpractice Cause Brain Injury?

Apr 27, 2022 @ 10:18 PM — by Burke Argos
Tagged with: How Can Medical Malpractice Cause Brain Injury

All professionals within the medical field are expected to deliver care that meets up to the recognized standard of care. If a medical professional delivers subpar or negligent care, or if they fail to foresee consequences that should have reasonably been foreseen, and a patient suffers injuries and/or damages as a result, that is considered medical malpractice.

Medical malpractice can cause a wide range of complications, including brain injury. Here, medical malpractice attorneys Sean M. Burke and Jason N. Argos discuss cases of medical malpractice that can cause brain injuries, as well as the damages that their Irvine, CA, clients may be due if negligent medical care causes them to suffer a brain injury.

Types of Brain Injuries Caused by Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice can cause acquired brain injuries (ABIs), which refers to brain injuries that are not hereditary, congenital, or degenerative. ABIs can be divided into two categories, traumatic brain injuries and non-traumatic brain injuries, either of which can result from medical malpractice.

Examples of Medical Malpractice that Can Cause Brain Injury

Many people think of brain injuries as being the result of violent accidents or attacks. While those types of incidents can cause brain injury, medical malpractice is another possible cause of brain damage. Examples of medical malpractice that can cause traumatic or non-traumatic brain injuries for our Irvine clients include:

Effects of a Brain Injury

Brain injuries can affect all areas of a person’s life, including their physical, cognitive, and emotional functions. Depending on what area of the brain is damaged, and the extent of injuries, potential effects of a brain injury include:

Medical Malpractice Damages

The physical damages of a brain injury are only one type of loss that our Irvine clients are likely to experience following medical malpractice. When a medical malpractice claim is filed, we pursue compensation for all types of injury damages, which may include:

Contact Us 

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury that you believe was caused by medical malpractice, attorneys Sean M. Burke and Jason N. Argos can help you hold liable medical professionals accountable for your losses. To discuss the details of your case, contact our law firm online, or call (949) 644-3434.