Sean M. Burke, APC

Suing Your Landlord for Mold-related Health Problems

Jan 7, 2022 @ 01:18 PM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Premises Liability

If a home has toxic mold, it threatens the health and well-being of all who live there. Mold typically grows inside the walls and under floors, so people may not realize they are living with toxic mold until it starts to negatively impact their health.

If toxic mold has been able to grow, or has been left untreated, due to another person or party’s negligence, they should be held responsible for related damages. In many situations, this means suing a landlord for mold-related health problems. The lawyers at Burke Argos work with individuals in Irvine, CA, and surrounding areas to pursue financial compensation for losses related to toxic mold.

Illnesses Related to Toxic Mold

Molds are living organisms that break down dead materials. While molds are beneficial to the environment, they can be hazardous to people, especially when they are present in large numbers, or in an enclosed area. Exposure to a large number of mold spores can cause people to experience symptoms that are very similar to allergy symptoms, such as runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, and headaches.

Toxic mold, which typically grows inside homes, can cause even more serious illness when inhaled. Individuals who are exposed to toxic mold may suffer from wheezing, difficulty breathing, and other complications. In severe cases, toxic mold exposure can even lead to death.

Preventing Toxic Mold

There are steps that property owners can take to prevent toxic mold, such as:

Holding a Landlord Accountable for Mold-Related Health Problems

If someone is renting a property and discovers toxic mold, the landlord may be held liable for mold-related health problems and any other damages related to the mold. That is because premises liability laws hold property owners accountable for maintaining an environment that is safe for invited guests. To prove liability in a premises liability case involving toxic mold, it must be shown that a landlord’s neglect led to the formation of toxic mold, or that they failed to address toxic mold after it was found, and that damages were suffered because of that. 

If our lawyers do not find evidence that a landlord is responsible for toxic mold, that doesn’t necessarily mean that our clients do not have a case. Depending on what caused the toxic mold, residents may be able to sue other parties, including:

Damages In a Toxic Mold Case

The damages in a toxic mold case will vary based on the losses suffered by our Irvine clients. Depending on the unique circumstances of each case, potential damages include:

Contact Our Practice

If you have suffered an illness related to toxic mold, lawyers at Burke Argos can help you hold the liable parties accountable for your losses. To discuss the details of your case with our legal team, send us a message online, or call (949) 644-3434 and schedule a personal consultation.