Sean M. Burke, APC

Can My Neighbor or Landlord Be Held Liable for Apartment Fire Damages?

Dec 25, 2021 @ 08:39 PM — by Burke Argos
Tagged with: Liability For Apartment Fire Damages

Fires can cause catastrophic financial losses. Apartment fires tend to be especially devastating, because the fire can quickly spread to nearby units, often causing complete destruction of the building. When faced with the financial, and potentially physical, damages of a fire, residents may wonder if a neighbor or landlord can be held liable for apartment fire damages.

Residential fire lawyers Sean M. Burke and Jason N. Argos can investigate the cause of a fire to determine who should be accountable for resulting losses. They assist residential fire victims in the Irvine, CA, area in bringing legal action against responsible parties, so that they can be justly compensated for resulting damages.

Is My Neighbor Liable?

Apartment units are closely connected, so if a fire starts in one residence, it is likely to spread to others around it. Unfortunately, that means that countless people may have to suffer the consequences of another’s careless mistakes. 

If someone loses personal property in a fire that was started because a neighbor left a candle unattended, or forgot to turn the burner off their stove, they are likely to wonder if that person is responsible for covering the financial losses related to the fire. If the negligent neighbor carries fire insurance, their insurance company should pay for all the damages related to the fire, including those suffered by residents of other apartment units.

Is My Landlord Liable?

To determine if a landlord or the owner of an apartment complex is liable for fire damages, residents must review their lease agreement. Typically, an apartment complex does not pay residents for fire damages. Most lease agreements hold residents responsible for carrying their own fire insurance.

While a landlord or building owner may not be liable for fire damages caused by another resident’s neglect, they can be held liable if the fire was caused by faulty wiring or an electrical problem. Similarly, if a fire was able to spread more rapidly, or caused excessive damages, because the complex owner (or landlord) was neglectful in ensuring that proper fire alarms and smoke detectors were installed, residents may be able to hold them liable for their losses.

What if I Haven’t Been Justly Compensated for Damages? 

Insurance companies often find ways to deny liability for fire claims, even if the insured’s policy is up to date. When they do accept the claim, it is not uncommon for them to offer a quick settlement that falls short of full extent of damages. 

Individuals in the Irvine area can work with residential fire attorneys Sean M. Burke and Jason N. Argos to recover maximum compensation for losses caused by a residential fire. Our legal team investigates the cause of a fire, and reviews pertinent legal documents (such as the apartment lease), so that we can establish liability and aggressively pursue the compensation our client is due.

Contact Us

If you have lost possessions in an apartment fire, attorneys Sean M. Burke and Jason N. Argos can determine the best way for you to be compensated for fire damages. To discuss your situation with our legal team, send us a message online, or call our Irvine law firm at (949) 644-3434.