Sean M. Burke, APC

How to Safely Enjoy Your Road Trip

Dec 5, 2020 @ 01:46 PM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Road Trip Safety Tips

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues through the winter, more and more people are taking to the road for holiday travel. You may be one of the many people in Irvine, CA who are avoiding airports and airplanes to prevent potential virus exposure. Yet with more time spent on the road, the chances of a collision increase.

If you have a road trip planned, the team of car accident attorneys at Burke Argos would like to offer some helpful advice. These road trip safety tips can help you prevent headaches, setbacks, and collisions as you hit the road.

Prepare Road Trip Essentials

Your car should have several essentials handy for comfort, safety, and peace of mind in case something goes wrong. We recommend that you pack:

Make Sure Your Vehicle Is Ready

Before any long drive, it’s always a good idea to check your vehicle and have it serviced. In addition to getting any necessary tune-ups, we recommend the following:

Plan Your Travel Route Before You Leave

Planning ahead will keep you safe. Plot your course from Irvine to your destination(s) before you start your trip. This will help you avoid getting lost, and will also get you familiar with alternate routes in case of road closures and traffic.

Reserve Lodgings and Accommodations

Contact hotels, motels, and Airbnbs before your road trip so you have a place to stay. This also gives you a chance to ask about safety measures at these places and discuss any special accommodations and needs.

Monitor the Weather on Your Road Trip

The weather here in Irvine may not be the same as the weather at your first stop or final destination. Keep an eye on weather reports as you travel so you can account for rain, strong winds, and other potential hazards.

Make Time to Stretch and Rest

Sitting behind the wheel can be more exhausting than you realize. To prevent driver fatigue, be sure to get out to stretch, take a walk, and use the restroom. It’s also important to get a full night’s sleep every night.

Stop to Enjoy Your Meals

Snacking all day as you drive probably won’t satisfy your hunger. In addition to rests and restroom breaks, stop to enjoy a full meal. This is a great opportunity to relax safely away from the road.

Buckle Up at All Times

Whenever a vehicle is in motion, the driver and all passengers should be wearing seatbelts or in child safety seats. Buckling up saves lives.

Follow the Rules of the Road

Wherever you’re headed, always drive responsibly. Follow the posted speed limit, use your headlights, fog lights, and blinkers when needed. Most of all, never drink and drive.

Contact Our Law Firm

If you or someone you care about has been harmed in an auto collision, we encourage you to schedule a legal consultation online or call the attorneys of Burke Argos at (949) 644-3434.