Sean M. Burke, APC

Brain Injuries Resulting in Depression

Jul 16, 2020 @ 08:58 PM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Brain Injury Depression Brain Injury Lawyer

Traumatic brain injuries are classified as catastrophic because they have a significant impact on a person’s life. The brain plays a role in cognitive, emotional, and physical functions, so multiple aspects of a person’s life can be impacted by a brain injury. Although it is not frequently discussed, depression is a common side effect of a brain injury.

Brain injury victims who suffer from depression are likely to suffer a number of unique damages, in addition to the losses associated with a brain injury. Brain injury lawyer Sean M. Burke considers how brain injury and depression affect his Irvine, CA clients when seeking financial compensation for injury damages.

Why Is Depression Common after a Brain Injury?

A great deal of research has gone into studying the link between a brain injury and depression. While data makes it clear that depression is more common among individuals who have suffered a brain injury than those who have not, researchers are not certain why that link exists.

There are various reasons that people with a brain injury may suffer from depression. First, if parts of the brain that affect a person’s thoughts or emotions are damaged, these physical injuries may cause depression. Second, a person may experience depression following a brain injury as a response to the stress and anxiety associated with the lifestyle changes that their brain injury causes. Finally, some individuals are genetically more susceptible to depression, and a brain injury may be a trigger for that predisposition.

How Soon May I Experience Depression after a Brain Injury?

It is difficult to predict when someone may experience depression following a brain injury. While some of our Irvine clients experience symptoms of depression immediately following their injury, others may not suffer from depression for a year or more after their injury occurred.

When Attorney Burke is working with clients who have suffered from a brain injury, he advises them to be vigilant about receiving medical treatment, and to be mindful of any potential signs of depression. If depression does develop, it is important that the person or party who is responsible for the brain injury is held liable for any additional damages that may be linked to depression.

Reporting Symptoms of Depression

Some common symptoms of depression may be easily mistaken as side effects of a brain injury. Any potential symptoms of depression should be reported to a doctor as soon as possible so that they can determine whether depression is a concern. Symptoms that our Irvine clients should report to their doctor include:

Financial Compensation for Injury Damages

Most brain injuries are caused by traumatic events, such as car accidents, a slip or fall, a workplace accident, or a sports injury. In most of these situations, the accident is the result of another person’s negligent or reckless behavior.

When another person causes an accident that results in a brain injury, they should be held liable for all related damages, including those that can be incurred when a person experiences depression. Attorney Burke can help brain injury victims seek financial compensation for the full extent of their losses, including:

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a brain injury that resulted in depression, you may be due financial compensation for your losses. To discuss your situation with brain injury lawyer Sean M. Burke, send us a message or call our practice at (949) 644-3434.