Sean M. Burke, APC

Traumatic Brain Injury and Children

Mar 7, 2020 @ 05:10 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Brain Injury

The brain plays a primary role in a person’s thoughts, emotions, and actions. As a result, the consequences of a traumatic brain injury are likely to impact all aspects of a person’s life. Tragically, children can also be victims of traumatic brain injury.

Personal injury attorney Sean M. Burke understands the severe damages associated with traumatic brain injuries in children. Mr. Burke is prepared to fight for children in the Irvine, CA, area who have suffered a traumatic brain injury as the result of another person’s reckless or negligent actions so that they can collect financial compensation for all subsequent losses.

How Common Are Traumatic Brain Injuries in Children?

Traumatic brain injuries effect more children than most people realize. These types of injuries are the leading cause of death and disability in children in the United States. According to the Brain Injury Association of America, each year an average of 62,000 children up to age 19 sustain brain injuries that require hospitalization. Even more, around 564,000 children visit the emergency room for brain injuries, and are released without hospitalization.

Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries in Children

The causes of traumatic brain injury in children are varied, just as they are in adults. Some of the most common causes of traumatic brain injury in children include:

Potential Effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries

The effects of a traumatic brain injury vary based on the severity of the injury, as well as the part of the brain that was injured. Symptoms of a brain injury can range from mild to severe, and they may be short-term, long-term, or lifelong. Some of the potential effects of a traumatic brain injury include:

The Unique Effects of Childhood Brain Injuries

The symptoms of a traumatic brain injury are similar in children and adults, but there is one important distinction. The brain is typically not fully developed until a person reaches his or her early 20s. Any injury that occurs before the brain is fully developed can disrupt the development process. As a result, a childhood brain injury is more likely to result in long-term consequences. Many symptoms may even be delayed, and may not show up until a child is faced with increased cognitive and social expectations.

The best way to protect a child from the long-term effects of a traumatic brain injury is to ensure they receive early medical care. It is also important to continually monitor brain injury symptoms, and provide any necessary ongoing therapeutic care.

Compensation for Damages

Unfortunately, the physical, emotional, and financial damages of a traumatic brain injury can be devastating for children and their families. If a traumatic brain injury is the result of another person or party’s reckless or negligent actions, that person or party should be liable for all resulting losses. Victims in the Irvine area can work with attorney Sean M. Burke and his legal team to fight for maximum compensation for brain injury damages.

Contact Us

If your child has been involved in an accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury, it is important to hold responsible parties accountable for resulting damages. To find out if you have the grounds for a personal injury lawsuit, send us a message online or call our Irvine practice at (949) 438-4416 to schedule a consultation with attorney Sean M. Burke.