Sean M. Burke, APC

Times that Car Accidents Are More Likely

Sep 1, 2019 @ 10:32 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Car Accidents Auto Accidents Truck Accidents Motorcycle Accidents Drunk Driving

Car accidents can happen at any time of day and anywhere. That said, certain locations and hours can make crashes more likely. Congestion, intoxication, and other factors are typically the reasons for more accidents in given places and times. This is why the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke take all lawsuits involving car accidents so seriously.

The team at our Irvine, CA law firm would like to consider the times of day that auto collisions are most likely. We’ll consider general statistics on days and times, and then shift our focus to times of year. This should help you understand some potential dangers that could be on the road the next time you get behind the wheel.

Hours of the Day When Car Accidents Are Most Likely

According to analysis from Avvo, most auto accident fatalities typically occur around evening commuter hours. In 2016, 6,201 car crash fatalities occurred between the hours of 4:00pm and 6:59pm; 6,067 motor vehicle deaths occurred between the hours of 7:00pm and 9:59pm. The third highest time of day for fatal crashes were the hours of 1:00pm to 3:59pm (5,273 deaths), which is consistent with times when children are getting out of school.

Days of the Week When Car Accidents Are Most Likely

While afternoon and evening commuter hours were the most likely times of day for fatal crashes, the same findings from Avvo note that fatal collisions are most likely to occur on weekends. The most auto accident deaths in 2016 occurred on Saturdays (6,802) followed by Fridays (5,826) and Sundays (5,809).

Drunk Driving Crashes and Time of Day

Fatal crashes while driving under the influence occur at different times than the numbers above. According to fatal crash statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 66 percent of all auto accident fatalities between the hours of midnight and 3:00am were alcohol-related. This is the same time that many bars and clubs close for the night. In Irvine, for instance, last call is 2:00am.

Given these numbers, let this be another important reminder to never drink and drive.

Does Time of Year Affect Drunk Driving Numbers?

More studies need to be conducted regarding fatal crashes and certain holidays or times of year, though the US Department of Transportation does have some figures on end-of-year holiday crashes that should give us all pause.

According to the Department of Transportation, 781 people lost their lives in drunk-driving-related crashes in 2016 during the month of December. National trends show that an average of 300 people die in alcohol-related crashes in just the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve alone.

How Our Attorneys Can Help You After a Collision

No matter what day or what time of day your collision occurs, it’s important that you speak with an attorney about the crash. We at the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke are here to help you and are willing to discuss all legal options that may be available to reach a fair settlement or to seek legal damages.

Learn More About Auto Accident Cases

For more information about your legal options following a car crash, be sure to contact a skilled auto accident attorney. The legal team at Burke Law can be reached in Irvine by phone at (949) 644-3434.