Sean M. Burke, APC

Headaches after Car Accidents

Jul 17, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Car Accidents

Auto accidents can seriously injure passengers and drivers. Those that have suffered head trauma after a car accident may experience medical issues in the days, months, and years after the crash. Not every injury is immediately visible, and some injuries take time to manifest.

Chronic headaches are a serious problem, and one that might take time to recognize. That is why it is so important to seek medical care for headaches after car accidents. At Burke Law in Irvine, CA, our attorneys understand that headaches can be the symptom of a much larger medical issue that can have a long-term impact.

Why You May Not Notice a Headache after a Car Accident

Many injuries sustained in a car accident are immediately visible, such as broken bones and fractures. However, a headache may not develop right away. If you are not exhibiting any symptoms at the accident scene, you may not seek medical care.

However, if you are suffering from a constant headache in the days immediately following the car accident, the injury may be related to the crash.

Blurred vision and ongoing pain are symptoms of a serious headache after a car accident. Other symptoms include a tightening of the forehead, stiffness in neck, a tender scalp, lack of sleep, loss of appetite, and tension in the shoulders. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, even if the accident itself was not severe, seek medical attention.

Be sure to let the physician know you were recently in a car accident, and give as much detail about the accident as possible. The more information the doctor has about how the accident happened and how you were injured, the more likely it is you will receive proper care and treatment. In addition, all of this information will be recorded in your medical file, which can serve as important evidence in your personal injury case.

What Causes a Headache after a Car Accident?

When you are in a car accident, you may strike your head against inside the car. Some of the most common causes of headaches after car accidents include:

It is also possible to begin experiencing headaches after a car accident if you were hit from behind and suffered a whiplash injury. The jerking motion of being thrown forward and immediately backward can cause headaches in the hours or even days after the incident.

Contact Us Today

Headaches can be extremely painful and prevent victims from attending to their daily tasks and work. To learn more about your legal options if you are experiencing headaches after a car accident, what type of treatment you might need, and how to recover compensation, contact us online or give us a call at (949) 644-3434 today. We can review your case and determine if you should move forward with a lawsuit.