Sean M. Burke, APC

Traumatic Brain Injury and Sports

Jun 17, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Brain Injury

Athletic activity offers many benefits; it is good for your health, can boost your self-esteem, and helps you build better social skills. However, there is always a risk of injury when playing sports. This risk can increase when proper safety precautions are not in place.

A traumatic brain injury can occur when an athlete suffers a hit to the head. At Burke Law in Irvine, CA, Sean M. Burke represents athletes that have suffered a serious head injury due to another person or party’s negligent actions. If you suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of a sports-related accident, contact our practice for a case review.

Sports that Most Commonly Result in Brain Injury

A serious brain injury can occur when athletes are engaged in a single-player sport like biking or a team sport like football. According to the American Association for Neurological Surgeons, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reported that in 2009, 446,788 sports-related head injuries were treated in U.S. emergency rooms.

Team Sports and Brain Injury

The team sports with the highest number of brain injuries include:

Solo Sports and Brain Injury

The single-player sports or activities with the highest number of brain injuries include:

Other Sports and Recreational Activities

Other sports and recreational activities that can cause brain injuries include:


According to the CPSC report, cycling was the sport or recreational activity that resulted in the most emergency room visits for head injury, with more than 85,000 patients seeking treatment. Unfortunately, negligent or reckless drivers, improperly maintained roads, or defective biking equipment may play a role in causing the accident or increase the severity of the injury.

Contact our Irvine practice to schedule a time for a case evaluation so we can determine if you should pursue legal action.


Football is the second most common sport or recreational activity to result in emergency room visits for head injuries. The long-term risk of concussions and the diagnosis of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in deceased NFL players has raised awareness of the dangers of football; however, critics have argued that football leagues and coaches have been slow to respond with proper safety and concussion protocol.

Types of Brain Injury

There are several types of brain injury that can occur in response to a blow to the head:

Contact Our Practice

To meet with attorney Sean Burke to discuss your case, contact us online or call us in Irvine at (949) 644-3434.