Sean M. Burke, APC

Car Accidents and Cement Trucks

Jun 1, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Truck Accidents

Cement, or concrete, trucks are larger than passenger vehicles and can cause devastating injuries when involved in auto accidents. Victims of auto accidents can suffer catastrophic and life changing injuries such as broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, paralysis, and even death.

At Burke Law in Orange County, CA, personal injury attorney Sean M. Burke and our team can help you obtain damages for car accidents involving cement trucks. We will file your case on time, seek full and fair compensation, and take your case to trial if an acceptable settlement can’t be reached.

Mr. Burke has been a trial lawyer for more than 30 years. If you have been in an auto accident with a cement truck, call us for help with your lawsuit.

Why Are Cement Trucks So Dangerous?

A cement truck is unlike many other vehicles on the road. What sets a cement truck apart from other types of cars and trucks is its size and weight.

The cab of the truck alone can weight up to 30,000 pounds and the cargo area can haul another 40,000 pounds of concrete mixture. When added together, a fully loaded cement truck can weigh over 70,000 pounds. Any time this much weight comes into contact with a smaller passenger car, or even a larger truck, the injuries can be significant.

Types of Car Accidents Involving Cement Trucks

The type of accident involving a cement truck varies from case to case, but these are some of the circumstances in which an accident may occur:

Who Is Liable?
The company that hires a concrete truck driver is required to make sure that their drivers are qualified to operate this type of vehicle. In addition, the driver is required to undergo the necessary training beyond what is necessary to drive a passenger car or truck.

When these standards are not met, victims may bring legal action against the company or the driver, or in some instances, both. Contact our Orange County practice for assistance in filing your claim.

Types of Recoverable Damages

If you or a loved one has been involved in an auto accident with a cement truck, you are entitled to seek damages for your injuries. The types of damages you can recover include:

Every case is different, and the amount of recovery you can expect is directly tied to the specific facts of your case. Let us investigate your claim and work with you to develop a legal strategy that will help you obtain just compensation.

We aggressively pursue every avenue of recovery available to you, make sure your claim is timely, and we do not back down from large companies or corporations.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

For help filing a claim after a car accident involving a concrete truck, call attorney Sean M. Burke. We can be reached on Orange County at (949) 644-3434, or you may contact us online now to schedule a consultation.