Sean M. Burke, APC

How Many Car Accidents Can You Expect in Your Lifetime?

May 1, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Car Accidents

Auto accidents are a common occurrence that can range from having little impact on a person's day to seriously altering his or her life.

It's common for most drivers to be involved in some type of car accident more than once in their lifetime. Fortunately, most car accidents are not fatal and can be as minor as scraping a car in a parking lot. Even so, many still wonder how many car accidents to expect in a lifetime. Here, Orange County, CA attorney Sean M. Burke and our team answer this question and more in the following overview.

How Many Car Accidents Does the Average Person Experience?

While some Orange County drivers may go their whole life without experiencing a car accident, not even a minor scratch, the average driver is generally not so lucky.

While there are no hard statistics on the number of car accidents a person may experience in a lifetime, the general consensus among the auto insurance industry seems to be roughly one car accident every 18 years. If a person started driving at the age of 16 and drives until their early to mid-80s, that comes out to three to four car accidents in a lifetime.

Although most people will have one or more car accidents throughout their lifetime, the good news is that most will not be involved in a fatal accident. People are more likely to be involved in a minor car accident.

Car Accidents Are More Likely at Different Points in a Lifetime

The average driver may expect to be involved in three to four accidents in his or her lifetime, but these accidents are more likely to occur when drivers are inexperienced and when they become elderly.

According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, teens between the age of 16 and 17 were 4.5 times more likely to be involved in a car crash than drivers between the ages of 30 to 59. Drivers in their 60s tend to have some of the lowest crash rates, but crash rates tend to increase for drivers over 70, with drivers over 80 more likely to be involved in a car accident than those over 30.

What Increases the Risk of Being Involved in a Car Accident?

Three to four car accidents in a lifetime is just a rough estimate and not guaranteed for every driver in Orange County. By understanding what increases the risks of a car accident, you can better avoid these dangers and keep you and your loved ones safer on the road.

Some common risks to be mindful of include:

Even Minor Car Accidents Can Be Costly

Although the average driver is more likely to be involved in a minor accident, he or she may still suffer from mild to moderate injuries and expensive damage to his or her car.

An auto accident attorney can help those involved in minor to severe car accidents get the compensation they deserve for their injuries and damage to their vehicles, while also helping to hold liable parties responsible for their negligence.

Contact the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke

If you have been involved in a car accident, the attorneys of Burke Law can evaluate the details of your accident to help you choose the best course of action for your situation. To schedule an appointment, contact us online or call (949) 644-3434.