Sean M. Burke, APC

Car Accidents and Dump Trucks

Apr 1, 2019 @ 11:45 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Car Accidents Truck Accidents

Large trucks are essential for commerce and all kinds of labor. Even though they are essential, they can cause serious injuries when drivers are negligent. At the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke, we take auto accidents with trucks and other large vehicles seriously because we understand the harm such vehicles can cause.

Our Orange County, CA auto accident lawyers would like to consider the dangers associated with dump trucks. Accidents with dump trucks can take many forms, and they can directly cause or contribute to collisions in a number of ways.

Dangers from Dump Trucks Given Their Size

Large vehicles are inherently dangerous for a number of reasons. As a matter of physics, a large vehicle will generate far more force during a collision than a commuter vehicle. These issues are compounded given the weight of any objects a dump truck may be hauling at the time. This issue of mass can turn a catastrophic crash into a fatal one.

Issues with Stopping Times and Distances

On the note of physics, the sheer size and mass of a dump truck typically means that stopping times for these vehicles are much different than commuter vehicles. A dump truck takes longer to slow down and come to a complete stop, which means risks of rear end crashes if a truck driver is not being careful or if there are poor road and weather conditions affecting traction.

Major Blindspots with Dump Trucks

Mass is only one concern related to the size of a dump truck. Like tractor-trailers, a dump truck has major blindspots to consider. Vehicles traveling behind a dump truck or to the sides of the dump truck may go unseen by the driver, which can increase the risk of side collisions.

Hazards from Loose Loads in the Road

Whenever a dump truck is hauling items, it’s important that this debris be properly secured. Gravel, dirt, sand, and waste from landscaping or demotion can potentially come loose, striking nearby vehicles in the process.

In addition to the debris from dump trucks falling onto vehicles, it’s also possible for this debris to simply wind up on the road. This road debris can be a major hazard to others as they drive, causing motorists to swerve into other lanes, brake abruptly, or drive in an otherwise reckless manner as a means of avoiding injury.

Pedestrians and Bicyclists at Risk

Pedestrians and bicyclists are also at risk for serious injuries if there is a dump truck nearby. They may be in the dump truck’s blindspot, which increases the risk of injury. The height of a dump truck also means hazards for people directly in front of the large vehicle.

Holding Negligent Dump Truck Drivers Accountable

Many auto collisions related to dump trucks are avoidable if the drivers are attentive and practice common sense safety measures. If a dump truck driver is negligent, we want to make sure they are held accountable for their actions. We will help injury victims seek damages to cover medical bills and the cost of vehicle repair. We can also seek punitive damages in especially egregious collisions.

Learn More About Your Legal Options

For more information about your legal rights and options following a dump truck accident, be sure to contact an experienced injury accident lawyer. We at the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke are here to help. You can reach us by phone at (949) 644-3434.