Sean M. Burke, APC

Crosswalk Pedestrian Accidents: Intersection Injuries

Aug 7, 2018 @ 09:30 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Car Accidents Pedestrian Accidents

Auto accidents claim countless lives each year. Motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians can be severely injured in car accidents. Pedestrians in particular are most at risk of severe injuries as well as fatal injuries.

The attorneys at our Orange County, CA law firm understand the life-altering magnitude of pedestrian accidents. That’s why we want to help you or your loved ones if a reckless driver has affected your lives.

Statistics on Pedestrian Accidents

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 5,378 pedestrians were killed by motor vehicles in 2015. This means one pedestrian death every 1.6 hours.

In addition to these grim numbers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that nearly 129,000 pedestrians were treated for injuries in emergency rooms during the same year. The CDC estimates that a pedestrian is 1.5 times more likely to be killed by a motor vehicle than a passenger in a motor vehicle.

Drunk Driving and Pedestrian Accidents

The NHTSA found that alcohol impairment was involved in 48 percent of all fatal pedestrian injuries. Approximately 15 percent of these incidents involved motorists with a BAC at or above the legal limit. Yet it is also worth noting that 34 percent of these fatal accidents involved pedestrians with a BAC at or above the legal limit.

Think of this as another reminder to not drink and drive. It’s just as important to avoid drinking in excess before you walk on the street. Being sober and clear-headed is your best option to avoiding injury.

Distracted Driving at Crosswalks

In recent years, driver distraction has proved a major contributing factor to traffic collisions. This is especially true of texting while driving and cellphone use while driving. Just taking your eyes off the road for a few seconds could mean the difference between a pedestrian’s life and a serious if not fatal injury.

Drivers Beating Yellow Lights and Running Red Lights

Many times, drivers try to rush through yellow lights in order to beat red lights. As common as this is, it can lead to a number of serious injuries. Whenever you see a yellow light, slow down instead of speeding up. You may just save a life simply by following the law.

Dangers When Drivers Are Making Turns

Whenever you make a right turn of left turn, you run a number of risks. This is particularly true of unguarded left turns. These dangers extend to pedestrians as well. Turning vehicles may not notice pedestrians who are legally crossing the street. Motorists need to remember that they share the road with pedestrians and bicyclists.

Holding Negligent Drivers Liable

If a driver has truck you or a loved one, there are legal options available. Our team of attorneys can hold negligent drivers liable for injuries that they’ve caused to pedestrians. Seeking legal damages, we can help cover the cost of medical expenses, missed wages, and other material losses associated with your injuries.

Speak with Our Attorneys

For more information about your legal rights and options after a pedestrian accident, be sure to contact an experienced personal injury attorney. The team at Burke Law is here to help you in your time of legal need.