Sean M. Burke, APC

Most Dangerous Types of Car Accidents

Jul 8, 2018 @ 12:15 PM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Car Accidents Truck Accidents

Some auto accidents are deadlier than others. Statistics have shown that certain collisions are more likely to cause catastrophic injuries and fatalities. When another driver’s negligence causes a crash, rest assured that our lawyers can offer legal assistance.

The team at our Orange County, CA law firm feels that knowing the dangers out there can help you be a safer driver. Below we’ll consider some of the most dangerous types of car accidents. This will include a discussion of why these kinds of crashes are so deadly.

Front-End Collisions

As you might have guessed, head-on collisions with another vehicle can be catastrophic and deadly. The sheer amount of force generated by both vehicles when traveling in opposite directions can result in terrible collisions. Even when one vehicle is stationary, the amount of damage that occurs is tremendous.

According to a study of 2005 crash statistics by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), head-on collisions only accounted for 2 percent of all crashes that year yet also comprised 10 percent of all traffic collision fatalities.

T-Bone Accidents

Also known as broadside collisions, T-bone accidents are also extremely dangerous. In these kinds of accidents, the front end of a vehicle strikes the side of another vehicle at a 90 degree angle. These accidents often occur in intersections, and they can be especially dangerous since the sides of vehicles provide less protection from impact than the front or rear of the vehicle.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) estimates that 9,700 were killed in broadside collisions in 2004. With the start of mandatory side airbags in 2009, roughly 1,000 lives are saved each year.

Underride Collisions with Large Trucks

An underride collision occurs when a passenger vehicle collides with the rear or side of a commercial truck’s trailer. Since the trailer is raised, there is the chance of the passenger vehicle having its top sheered off. These kinds of collisions can result in severe head trauma and brain damage, if not being outright fatal. It’s been estimated that 200 people die each year from these particularly gruesome kinds of accidents.

The deadliness of these kinds of crashes could be reduced if trailers included underride guards. These would prevent vehicles from getting too far under the trailer. This is why many US lawmakers are pushing to have these underride guards become mandatory.

Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents refer to instances in which a vehicle rolls onto its side and potentially upside down. As you can imagine, these kinds of accidents can be especially dangerous given the amount of trauma sustained as a vehicle turns over. What’s worse, these kinds of accidents could lead to roof collapse, which can result in catastrophic if not fatal head trauma.

The NHTSA estimated that rollover accidents accounted for nearly 35 percent of fatal crashes in 2010. While rollovers can affect all vehicles, they are more likely with SUVs and other types of automobiles with a high center of gravity.

High-Speed Collisions

It should come as no surprise that high-speeds are likely to cause catastrophic or deadly auto accidents. This could mean more force during a collision and greater chance of losing vehicle control.

The NHTSA estimates that 30 percent of all fatal accidents involved speeding in some form. Speeding-related crashes cost the United States around $40.4 billion in expenses each year.

Learn More About Your Legal Options

For more information about your legal rights and options after a dangerous auto accident, it’s important that you contact our team of attorneys. Our lawyers are here to offer expert counsel during your time of legal need.