Sean M. Burke, APC

Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Know the Warning Signs

Feb 15, 2018 @ 10:05 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Brain Injury Head Injury Personal Injury

When someone sustains a serious injury to the head, face, or neck, it’s important that they be given a medical exam or have emergency medical attention. Doctors or EMTs can determine if the person has suffered brain damage during the incident.

The attorneys at our Orange County, CA know just how serious brain and spinal cord injuries can be. Below, we’ve noted some of the most common symptoms and warning signs of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). If you notice any of these symptoms, get in touch with medical professionals immediately.

Loss of Consciousness

Any time you lose consciousness after a head injury, it must be taken seriously. Whether this loss of consciousness lasts just a few seconds or a few minutes, immediate medical attention is warranted.

Seizures or Convulsions

Brain injuries often cause people to go into seizures or suffer from convulsions. As with the loss of consciousness, be sure to seek medical help immediately if these symptoms occur after head trauma.

Fluid Leaking from the Nose or Ears

One of the alarming symptoms of a brain injury is leakage of fluid from the nose or ears. This could be blood or other secretions. As one would expect, this is a sign of a serious injury and requires immediate medical examination.

Nausea and Vomiting

Many people who suffer from serious brain or head injuries experience bouts of nausea and vomiting. They may occur immediately after the trauma has happened.

Slurred Speech

Slurring speech or problems with communication are common when someone has suffered a major blow to the head. Whether just temporary or you notice long-term issues with speech, do not take these signs for granted.

Loss of Balance

When you’ve been especially rattled by an injury, it can be difficult to remain standing up straight or walking. These issues may not be serious per se, but need to be taken seriously if the above symptoms are present.

Weakness in the Limbs

A major blow to the body or head can lead to numbness or muscle weakness in your arms and legs. As with other symptoms, this may be temporary or could be a long-term sign of a problem.


Persistent or lasting headaches after a major blow to the head are not normal. Be sure to have these checked out by your physician.

Changes to Your Senses

The five senses can all be affected by a traumatic brain injury. If you notices any changes in vision, smell, touch, hearing, or taste, be sure to discuss this with a medical professional right away.

Mood Swings

Many people who suffer from a traumatic brain injury experience mood swings in the aftermath, feeling happy and elated one moment but then down the next.

Depression or Anxiety

Traumatic brain injuries have a way of provoking bouts of depression as well as panic attacks and anxiety. Always take these matters seriously.

Changes in Sleeping Pattern

Most people have pretty regular sleep schedules. A brain injury can lead to insomnia or erratic sleep patterns. This can be a contributing factor to mood swings and irritability, and can also lead to depression.

Difficulty Concentrating

In the aftermath of a brain injury, focus and concentration can be thrown off. Lasting issues with concentration could be the sign of a major problem that needs to be addressed.

Mental Fogginess or Slowness

After a head injury, you might notice issues with memory and an overall slowness in processing information. This is a common sign of brain damage.

Learn More About Your Legal Options

For more information about your legal rights and options following a severe head or facial injury, be sure to contact the attorneys of Burke Law. We look forward to your visit and discussing these matters in greater detail.