Sean M. Burke, APC

Personal Injury Damages Can Cover Prescription Drug Fees

Nov 1, 2017 @ 12:45 PM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Damages Personal Injury

After you've been seriously injured or involved in a catastrophic accident, you may require major medical attention. This goes beyond an ambulance ride and treatment in an emergency room. Some injuries require multiple surgeries and long-term medical treatments in order to resolve health issues. There's also the possibility that the injury was a traumatic experience, requiring therapy and perhaps even the use of medications to address anxiety and the psychological scars of the incident.

All of this medical treatment can add up. Unless you have extremely good health insurance, you could wind up thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars in debt as a result of an accident that occurred through no fault of your own. Situations like this are common, and why getting an Orange County personal injury lawyer in Irvine, CA on your side can be extremely helpful.

Prescription Medication and Medical Care

As part of many surgeries and other medical treatments, doctors may prescribe different kinds of medications. This include pain relievers, anti-inflammation drugs, muscle relaxants, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, and so forth. Patients may require these medications for many years to come depending on the nature of their injuries and their health needs.

The Cost of Prescription Drugs Can Be Considerable

Over time, the cost of these prescription drugs can add up, especially if there are no generic drugs on the market. Drug companies sometime charge exorbitant and many would say unethical fees for their products. This harms consumers, who are suffering from medical problems and are simply seeking relief.

Again, people should not have to go into debt simply to function without pain each day, and yet this is the unfortunate reality we live in. That's part of the reason why damages are part of personal injury lawsuits.

How Compensatory Damages Work

Damages are a monetary award that is sought by injury victims in a personal injury claim. There are two kinds of damages, compensatory damages and punitive damages. Compensatory damages are our primary focus when it comes to the cost of medical, though, briefly, punitive damages refers to a type of monetary punishment on the negligent party.

Compensatory damages are damages that seek to cover various kinds of personal and financial losses that are the direct result of a negligent action or act. This includes covering the cost of prescription drugs, medical bills, the cost of future medical treatment, and so forth. These damages can also be sought to cover property loss, lost wages, legal fees, and similar issues.

How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

Personal injury lawsuits can be complicated and time-consuming, and they require a strong understanding of state and local statutes. Rather than going it alone, it's always a good idea to work with a personal injury lawyer. They will note the details of your case and fight on your behalf every step of the way.

While offering legal counsel and informing you of your best options, you can focus on recovery and healing. This peace of mind can be invaluable after suffering from a severe injury.

Contact the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke

If you would like more information about your legal rights and options following a serious accident or incident that causes harm, be sure to contact an experienced team of personal injury lawyers today. An attorney will be able to answer your questions, address your concerns, and give you the guidance you need in your case.