Sean M. Burke, APC

Fog and the Risk of Auto Accidents

Aug 16, 2017 @ 11:09 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

Every time a person gets into a vehicle (either as driver or passenger), there is a potential risk for an auto accident. Auto accidents injure many people in Irvine each year, resulting in substantial financial losses. Most people can only hope that by making responsible driving decisions and taking all necessary safety precautions, they can keep the risk of an auto accident low. Unfortunately, there are many factors that are out of the control of even the most responsible driver, primarily, weather conditions.

Bad weather can alter the condition of roads and make it difficult for drivers to react appropriately. One weather condition that many drivers have difficulty navigating is fog. Attorney Sean M. Burke understands the risk of auto accidents in fog, and wants his Orange County, CA clients to understand what they should do if they’ve been injured in a car accident in fog.

Fog and Visibility

Fog is a dense layer of condensation that sits much lower to the ground than clouds. This buildup of moisture creates a heavy layer that appears white and hazy. The main concern when driving in fog is visibility. When fog is intense, it can be difficult to see the vehicle directly in front of you. In addition to drastically reducing visibility, fog can also alter a driver’s perception. The following are common concerns when driving in the fog:

Taking Precautions

Because fog can have such an impact on visibility, it is important for drivers to be especially cautious when fog is present. Taking proper precautions is the best way to minimize the risk of an auto accident when weather conditions are poor. The following tips are especially useful when fog is reducing visibility:

After an Accident

Unfortunately, many drivers make poor decisions when driving in fog, and these can easily lead to an auto accident. Drivers who have been involved in an auto accident should take the following steps:

Contact Us

If you have been involved in an auto accident, it is important to work with an experienced attorney, such as Sean M. Burke, to ensure your legal rights are protected. Mr. Burke will gather the evidence that is necessary to prove liability, and fight for maximum compensation for your losses. Contact us at your earliest convenience to learn more about your legal options.