Sean M. Burke, APC

Road Rage Can Cause Serious Auto Accidents

Aug 1, 2017 @ 09:43 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

Sharing the road with others can cause stress and tension. Unfortunately, some people let the stresses of the road cause them to act out and endanger other people’s safety. When road rage occurs, it can lead to major accidents and serious injuries, leaving those injured with extensive medical bills and lost income. Victims of road rage auto accidents may be able to recoup lost wages and medical expenses with the assistance of an experienced attorney.

At the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke, we are experienced in auto accident and road rage cases in and around Orange County, CA. To find out how we can help you in your road rage accident case, contact our legal team today.

What Is Road Rage?

Road rage refers to the violent anger some feel when driving, and may lead to a person using his or her vehicle as a weapon against others. Road rage is often accompanied with aggressive driving, which can be described as driving in a manner that violates traffic laws and endangers others. When road rage isn't controlled, it can lead to serious accidents, both on and off the road. Some examples of road rage include:

What Should You Do if You're a Victim of Road Rage?

If you're exposed to another person's road rage and aggressive driving, it is important not to escalate the situation by engaging in acts of violence yourself. Don't make obscene gestures, yell, or drive in an aggressive manner as this can make the situation worse.

If you have been involved in an accident as a result of another person's road rage, it's important to protect your safety by staying in your car, with the doors locked, and calling 911 for help. Seek medical attention if necessary.

You should also get the other vehicle’s license plate number, make and model of the car, description of the individual, and any other information that may be used to identify the person at fault. Giving this information to law enforcement can help with their investigation of the road rage incident, and help in your accident claim. 

Finally, contact a road rage accident attorney to ensure your rights are protected and the party responsible for your accident is held liable. A road rage attorney can help you receive compensation for your injuries, property damage, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

A Road Rage Attorney Can Help

If you have been the victim of a road rage accident, our road rage attorneys can help. To learn more about your legal options in resolving your road rage accident claim, schedule a consultation with our legal team today.