Sean M. Burke, APC

Personal Injury and Lifelong Disability

Jan 31, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Personal Injury Brain Injury

There is an expression in personal injury law that, as a plaintiff, you get just one bite at the apple - if you don’t get the mouthful you deserve the first time around, you don’t get a second chance. What this means, in essence, is that you have one opportunity to seek the full measure of compensation to which you are entitled for your injuries. If you fail to identify some current or future expense that becomes apparent after your case has been settled or reached a jury verdict, you cannot file another claim seeking compensation for that expense.

Of course, by “you,” we really mean “your lawyer.” It is the responsibility of your lawyer to identify all losses and expenses - past, present, and future - that are relevant to your personal injury claim and for which you deserve to be compensated. Identifying these losses and expenses requires special skill and experience. You need a personal injury attorney who can present the strongest case possible on your behalf, using all of the investigative and other resources at his disposal. Especially if you are faced with a lifelong disability, you want a lawyer who will make sure that you will not have to worry about financial obstacles five, ten, or twenty years into your future.

When it comes to litigating cases involving personal injury and lifelong disability, Orange County, CA attorney Sean M. Burke has the experience, resources, and skills to handle any case, no matter how complex. If you or someone you love has been involved in an accident resulting in a lifelong injury, he will evaluate your case and identify every loss and expense - past, present, and future - for which you deserve to be compensated.

What Are Damages?

It is important to note that the term “damages” does not refer to damage, but rather to monetary compensation. It is the responsibility of Mr. Burke, as your attorney, to pinpoint the damages to which you are entitled and present the most compelling case possible to demonstrate evidence that you should be awarded these damages. In the vast majority of cases, a settlement is reached before a claim proceeds to court; however, Mr. Burke prepares every case with the full intention of trying it before a jury and winning.

Damages in personal injury cases differ from case to case, but commonly include compensation for hospital bills, surgeon’s fees, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and mental anguish. Matters become somewhat trickier in cases involving lifelong disability, however. In these cases, Mr. Burke must be able to project into the future, within reason, the losses and expenses the injured party is likely to face. These may include future lost wages, home care, medical expenses, and loss of quality of life.

Arrange for an Evaluation of Your Personal Injury Case

If you or a member of your family has become disabled for life due to a personal injury, please contact the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke for an evaluation of your case today.