Sean M. Burke, APC

Premises Liability Lawsuits for Injuries at Bars and Clubs

Dec 30, 2016 @ 01:00 PM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Premises Liability Personal Injury

When we go to a bar, club, or lounge for an evening out, safety should not be unexpected. People should be having fun or trying to unwind after a long day or a long week. Yet there are many instances in which a seemingly safe and care-free environment winds up being dangers in some fashion. When this happens, having a lawyer on your side is crucial for seeking a premises liability lawsuit against negligent business and property owners.

The Law Offices of Sean M. Burke is committed to helping people throughout Orange County who have been injured as a result of negligence. Let's take a moment to address this topic and consider potential causes of injury.

Bars Should Be Up to Code with Clearly Marked Exits

When it comes to the building itself and overall layout, it's important that the building be up to code and in good condition. Loose floorboards, runs in the carpet, and other issues could increase the risk of tripping or slipping. Main exists and emergency exits need to be carefully marked as well so patrons can leave in case of a fire or other dangers.

Spills Need to Be Mopped Up and Marked

A spilled drink is not uncommon at bars or nightclubs, which is why most establishments are quick to clear the area of the spill, clean it up, and dry the floor. When floor remain wet and broken glass is present in the area, slips, falls, and other serious injuries become more likely.

Food and Beverages Should Be Safe to Consume

If a bar or club serves food in addition to drinks, it's important that the food is cooked and handled in a responsible and sanitary manner. This will help prevent food poisoning and other kinds of illnesses. The same kind of care and attention should also apply to the beverages served.

Lights, Wiring, and Fixtures Should Be Secure

Lighting can set a mood and offer just the right ambiance for a business. Sometimes, however, lighting fixtures and wiring can be the source of hazards, such as falling objects or electrocution. It's important that any suspended light fixtures be properly locked in place, and that wiring that may harm patrons is kept hidden and protected.

IDs Should Be Checked

There are strict rules about alcohol consumption and who is allowed into certain kinds of establishments. It's of the utmost importance that IDs be checked according to state and federal laws. This can prevent minors from harming themselves or others.

Having Security or Bouncers

Even at small venues, having at least one person at the door to check IDs is crucial. A bouncer or some security personnel can also help break up fights or prevent serious altercations from occurring. Many injuries could be avoided thanks to the presence of a bouncer.

Unruly Patrons Should Be Removed Before Causing Trouble

When someone at a bar is too intoxicated or is causing a disturbance of some kind, bartenders and employees should use their best judgment. That individual should be refused services and escorted out. This can protect many patrons in the bar from being harmed.

Contact the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke

For more information about your legal options following a serious injury at a bar, club, or lounge, be sure to contact our team of injury and accident attorneys today. The legal tear here at the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke will work with you in your time of legal need.