Sean M. Burke, APC

Premises Liability and Negligent Security

Dec 16, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Premises Liability Personal Injury

Premises liability laws hold property owners legally responsible for the reasonable safety of those on their property. This can even include keeping people safe in areas of high crime. Premises liability laws can help those who are victims of crime due to a property owner's negligence seek compensation for damages, including pain and suffering. If you or a loved one have been the victim of a crime as a result of negligent security, it's important to contact an attorney to determine your legal options. To see if you have a premises liability and negligent security case, contact our Orange County, CA attorneys at the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke.

Where Can Negligent Security Occur?

Negligent security can occur in many different places. Negligent security is not limited to commercial properties but may include private properties, as well. Some potential areas for negligent security include:

Security Measures Property Owners May Take

Property owners have an obligation to keep tenants and visitors on their property safe, especially in areas known for high crime rates. Although it may not be possible to prevent all crimes, property owners should take reasonable measures to keep people on their property safe, including:

Premises Liability and Negligent Security

Premises liability laws dictate that property owners are obligated to maintain reasonably safe conditions for those who have consent to be on their property. When a property owner neglects to take reasonable precautions to protect visitors or tenants from known dangers, the property owner may be held legally responsible for injuries, pain and suffering, or other damages that may occur.

Premises liability laws may provide grounds for a lawsuit when a person falls victim to a crime due to a property owner’s failure to adequately secure the premises. For instance, a landlord may fail to maintain working locks on all doors and windows, allowing someone to easily burglarize a home. Or a property owner may fail to provide proper security measures at a place of business, allowing an employee to become the victim of a violent act.

If you have been the victim of a crime as a result of negligent security, you may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering or other damages. Meeting with a premises liability attorney can help determine if your circumstances are grounds for a lawsuit.

Contact the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke to Discuss Your Legal Options

Financial compensation cannot take away the pain and suffering inflicted on a victim of crime, but it can help hold irresponsible property owners liable for their neglect so that others may not become victims of a crime while on their property. To learn more about your legal rights, we encourage you to contact our premises liability attorneys at the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke.