Sean M. Burke, APC

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Nov 29, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Motorcycle Accidents Auto Accidents

Motorcycles may be thrilling to ride, but they are also inherently dangerous. They offer nothing in the way of external protection, and when they are involved in auto accidents, bikers are almost always assured to get the worse end of the deal. Too often, motorcyclists are not at fault for the accidents in which they are involved, either. In many cases, they are victims of the negligence of people driving cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, and other larger vehicles that dominate our nation’s roadways.

At the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke, we are devoted to protecting the rights of injured victims and their families, fighting to ensure that they are able to receive the full measure of compensation to which they are entitled under the law. We are proud to offer our legal services to bikers who have suffered motorcycle accident injuries throughout Orange County, CA. If you or a member of your family has sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident that was someone else’s fault, or if you lost a beloved family member in such an accident, attorney Sean Burke can help you obtain the justice you deserve.

We urge you to contact the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke today to arrange for an evaluation of your motorcycle accident case.

Injuries Commonly Suffered in Motorcycle Accidents

Because motorcycles do not afford riders external protection, motorcycle accident injuries are often catastrophic, requiring expensive care. Mr. Burke has the experience, skills, and resources to successfully handle motorcycle accident cases involving all types of injuries, including:

Arrange for an Evaluation of Your Motorcycle Accident Case

To arrange for an evaluation of your motorcycle accident case, please contact the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke today.