Sean M. Burke, APC

Smoke Inhalation and Burn Injuries May Be Related

Nov 16, 2016 @ 12:00 PM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Burn Injury Catastrophic Injury Personal Injury

Burn injuries can take many different forms. They can be caused by flames, hot surfaces or objects, scalding liquids, chemicals, or steam. Regardless the exact cause of the burn, these kinds of injuries can cause serious damage to the skin, nerves, muscle tissue, and more. A combination of medical treatment and reconstructive surgery may be required in order to address the damage done by a serious burn. We've helped many clients at our Irvine, CA personal injury law firm serving Orange County.

In a number of cases, people who sustain serious burn injuries may also experience medical problems linked to smoke inhalation. Let's consider why this is such a serious form of arm and what can be done to address these issues.

What Is Smoke Inhalation?

Smoke inhalation refers to cases in which a person breathes in the combustion byproducts of a fire. The smoke can contain many harmful or toxic substances, and the heat of the smoke or nature of its composition can do serious damage to the body.

The Dangers of Smoke Inhalation

When a person suffers from smoke inhalation, the smoke can do serious damage to the lungs and respiratory system. This may be the result of oxygen deprivation or various kinds of agents and irritants in the smoke. By disrupting or harming the natural tissue and lining of the lungs, this can have long-term impacts on respiratory health.

In addition to affecting the lungs, the oxygen deprivation caused by smoke inhalation can have a major impact on overall wellness due to oxygen deprivation. When the body is deprived of oxygen, it can affect proper function of the brain and other parts of the body.

Symptoms of Smoke Inhalation

Following a fire, be mindful of the following symptoms of smoke inhalation:

In addition to the above, also be aware of changes in mood, memory problems, nausea, vomiting, fainting spells, and seizures.

Medical Treatments for Smoke Inhalation

When it comes to treating smoke inhalation, it's common for patients to undergo oxygen therapy, which can help with the immediate concerns affecting wellness and respiration. Surgical treatment may be necessary to remove the debris that has become lodged in the lungs from inhaling smoke. Further surgical treatment may be necessary if less invasive therapies prove ineffective.

How Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help

Serious burns and smoke inhalation can lead to major medical expenses, both in the immediate future and well into the future. When another person's negligence was the cause of your smoke inhalation or burn injury, it's of the utmost importance that the negligent party be held accountable for their actions.

Our lawyers will work with you to ensure you receive expert legal counsel. While we work on the legal complexities and filings, you and your loved ones can focus your energies on healing, wellness, recovery, and the challenges ahead.

Learn More About Serious Injury Lawsuits

For more information about your legal rights and options following serious injuries of various kinds, be sure to contact our experienced personal injury attorneys today. Our team will work with you in your time of legal need.