Sean M. Burke, APC

Damages in Erb’s Palsy Cases

May 17, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Erbs Palsy Medical Malpractice Birth Injury

The first moments of parenthood should be a time of excitement and joy. Unfortunately, for some, a birth injury can occur, inhibiting a child’s functions and movement, and resulting in the need for extensive medical care. Erb’s palsy is a type of birth injury that occurs in roughly one percent of vaginal births. The attorneys at the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke can examine cases of Erb’s palsy to determine if medical malpractice is the cause of the injury. If so, we can assist our clients in seeking just compensation for damages in Erb’s palsy cases in the Orange County, CA area.

What Is Erb’s Palsy?

Erb’s palsy is a type of shoulder trauma (medically known as shoulder dystocia) that occurs when the nerves in the shoulder are stretched beyond their limit during the birthing experience. The severity of Erb’s palsy varies. In some cases, this stretching may simply result in bruising of the nerves in the shoulder, while in others, the nerves may be completely torn.

Symptoms of Erb’s palsy will vary based on the severity of the injury. Erb’s palsy may result in partial or complete paralysis of the arm, and may also lead to underdevelopment of the arm. Stiffness, cramping, and pain are also common side effects of Erb’s palsy.

Treatment for Erb’s Palsy

Treatment for Erb’s palsy is unique in each case, and will depend on the severity of the injury. In some cases, this injury may heal on its own in the months following the trauma. However, the majority of Erb’s palsy injuries require medical treatment. Fortunately, with adequate medical care, most cases of Erb’s palsy can be effectively treated so that the children who suffer from this type of injury do not have to suffer a lifetime of consequences. The most common types of treatment for Erb’s palsy includes physiotherapy and surgery.

Compensation for Erb’s Palsy Damages

It is easy to see that Erb’s palsy has a significant effect on the child suffering from the injury, as well as on family members. Some of the most common damages in Erb’s palsy cases include:

Although the payout of each Erb’s palsy case will be unique, our attorneys will work to ensure that our clients receive maximum financial compensation for all damages suffered as a result of this preventable birth injury.

Contact Us

Birth injury and medical malpractice cases can be complicated to prove, but the attorneys at the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke have the experience and expertise that is necessary to obtain a favorable judgement for our clients. If you believe that you have been the victim of medical malpractice, contact us to discuss the details of your case and find out how we can assist you in the fight for financial compensation for damages suffered. We look forward to hearing from you.