Sean M. Burke, APC

Bicycle Accident Lawsuits

Nov 26, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Bike Accidents Auto Accidents Personal Injury

Cyclists can sometimes be difficult to see for drivers in automobiles, so cyclists are at a greater risk of personal injury than others on the road. Many drivers aren’t used to sharing the road with cyclists, and some may even think that cyclists should be allowed on the roads. What these drivers fail to realize is that under California law, cyclists are provided the same rights as automobile drivers. So what happens when a bicyclist is involved in an automobile accident? To learn more about bicycle accident lawsuits, contact our Orange County, CA practice today.

Who Is at Fault?

Determining who is at fault in a bicycle accident is similar to determining fault in an accident involving two cars. Because cyclists are subject to the same laws as drivers, you need to follow the laws or the road or you may be found at fault for the accident. Liability is based on who did what, and when. The automobile driver may be found 100 percent responsible, or the driver and cyclist may both be found partially liable.

What to Do after an Accident

If you have been involved in a car accident while riding your bike, you should take the following steps to assure your case is handled correctly.

What Else Should I Know?

The statute of limitations on a bicycle accident is two years, so if you are going to file suit, you must do it in a timely manner. Cases involving bicycle accidents can take anywhere from a few months to a few years.

Contact Us for a Case Evaluation

If you have been in a bicycle accident, be sure to follow the steps laid out here, and contact our legal office as soon as possible to schedule a case evaluation with one of our attorneys. The consultation is free, and we will work to get you the maximum value available.