Sean M. Burke, APC

Battling PTSD after an Auto Accident

Oct 26, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

For victims of auto accidents, the damages suffered are often devastating. Auto accidents can result in financial losses, physical injury, emotional trauma, and, in some cases, death. All of this is a lot to deal with, but factor in trying to get fair compensation from insurance companies and the burden can just be too much, especially if the victim is suffering from an emotional disorder, such as PTSD. Auto accident attorney Sean M. Burke is happy to help clients explore their legal rights. He can maximize the compensation collected for clients while minimizing the stress of the legal battle. To learn more about PTSD after an auto accident, contact our Orange County, CA practice

Is PTSD Common after an Auto Accident?

PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, can be triggered by any scary or threatening incident. Because an auto accident and the threat of serious harm or death often makes people feel frightened and vulnerable, car accidents are a well-documented cause of PTSD. In fact, PTSD may occur whether a person actually suffers from a physical injury or not. However, the risk of PTSD does increase along with the severity of injuries sustained. Other factors that can increase the risk of PTSD is increased stress due to financial losses, a lack of an adequate support system, and a pre-existing emotional disorder, such as depression.

Am I Suffering from PTSD?

A psychologist or psychiatrist who is experienced in treating patients with PTSD can diagnose the disorder. However, PTSD often results in many serious side effects. Patients who are experiencing any of the following symptoms should meet with a doctor to discuss their condition:

While some of these symptoms may be common immediately following an auto accident, if they start several months after the accident, or continue to be a problem for several months, there is a good chance that the condition is PTSD.

What Are My Rights?

PTSD is an emotionally trying disorder that can impact feelings, relationships, and even a person’s ability to work. Additionally, PTSD may require months, years, or even a lifetime of psychological treatment. Because there is no cure for PTSD, patients can only seek treatment to manage symptoms until they are resolved. This may require several different treatment techniques, including medication.

Victims of auto accidents who are suffering from PTSD may be due financial compensation for the emotional pain and suffering of PTSD as well as the financial costs of medical treatment and any lost wages. Our accident attorneys are highly experienced and can fight for maximum compensation in these cases.

Contact Us

If you’ve been involved in an auto accident and have questions about your legal rights, contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss your case. Sean M. Burke is an experienced attorney who works with a team of experts to ensure that his clients receive just compensation for damages suffered. He looks forward to working with you.