Sean M. Burke, APC

Accidents with Large Truck Can Lead to Fatal Injuries

Apr 30, 2015 @ 10:40 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Truck Accidents Wrongful Death

Injury victims throughout Orange County have strong advocates at the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke. We fight diligently for the needs of the injured and their loved ones because we understand that serious auto accidents can lead to major injuries and even death. This is especially true when the collision involves large trucks.

Large Trucks and the Dangers That They Pose

During a motor vehicle collision, an accident with a large truck can lead to serious injuries for those who are in smaller vehicles. The sheer mass of a large truck means that there is a greater chance for those in commuter vehicles to experience severe injuries and catastrophic injuries.

It's not uncommon for people to die in accidents with large trucks.

Large Truck Accident Statistics

Numbers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that in 2012, a total of 3,921 people were killed during accidents with large trucks. Roughly 73 percent of people who were killed in these large truck accidents were the occupants of the vehicle struck by the large truck. In the state of California, large trucks accounted for 244 fatal collisions in 2012.

In addition, 104,000 people were injured in collisions with large trucks during that same year.

Greater Chance of Multi-Vehicle Collisions When Large Trucks Are Involved

When a large truck is involved in an accident, there is the possibility that multiple motorists will be impacted by the collision. This is a given since the large truck takes up much of the road and can potentially swerve into other lanes or have its trailer veer into other lanes. When multiple vehicles are affected by a crash, the chances for serious injuries and fatalities increases.

A Relatively Recent and High-Profile Truck Accident That Caused Fatal Injuries

One of the most high-profile truck accidents in recent years took place on the other side of the country.

Last summer on the New Jersey Turnpike, a Walmart truck was involved in an auto accident with a limo bus. Among the occupants of the limo bus were actor/comedian Tracy Morgan and his friend and fellow comedian James McNair. Morgan was severely injured in the collision, and McNair was tragically killed.

The reason this auto accident occurred was driver fatigue. The driver of the Walmart truck had reportedly gone at least 24 hours without sleep.

How Our Wrongful Death Attorneys Can Help You

Our attorneys will fight diligently for you and your needs every step of the way. We will not be intimidated by the legal teams that companies have in place. Our goal will be to collect damages to cover funerary costs as well as lost future wages from your loved one (if applicable). We will also seek damages to cover the emotional strain that the death of your loved one has caused.

While none of this will bring your loved one back, the compensation will help you in the mourning and grieving process and help you put your life back together so you can move forward.

Speak with Our Personal Injury Attorneys About Your Truck Accident Case

If you have lost a loved one due to serious injuries that have been sustained as a result of an accident with a large truck, be sure to contact our team of personal injury attorneys today. The entire team here will work closely with you in order to ensure that justice is served and that you can mourn and grieve with dignity.