Sean M. Burke, APC

Auto Accidents and Seniors: Facts About Elderly Motorists

Feb 18, 2015 @ 09:06 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury

At The Law Offices of Sean M. Burke, we always fight for the rights of the injured and their loved ones, providing strong legal representation for people in the greater Orange County area. Victims of auto accidents can rely on our injury lawyers to assist with the legal process.

Elderly motorists are of special concern given their unique place on the road and in many accident statistics. We'd like to consider these matters briefly right now.

Statistics Regarding Auto Accidents and Seniors

According to findings by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), numbers from 2008 revealed that across the United States, an estimated 500 elderly motorists were injured each day. The same findings suggested that 15 elderly motorists were killed each day.

Is injury more likely for elderly motorists?


Even accidents that would otherwise just seem like minor fenders benders can lead to major injuries for elderly motorists and their passengers.

Why is this the case?

As people get older, their bodies become more frail and more vulnerable to injury. Bones may become more brittle, for instance, and joints may prove to be less flexible or able to accommodate basic movements. This is part of the natural aging process, and it's also why elderly drivers need to be extra careful while they are on the road.

Elderly Drivers Are Still Among the Safest on the Road

The thing is, elderly drivers tend to be safer on the whole than drivers of other age groups. There are a few reasons that this is the case.

For one, elderly drivers are more likely to follow posted speed limits and the other rules of the road. In addition, elderly motorists are less likely to take unnecessary risks such as driving while under the influence of alcohol or trying to beat a yellow light through a busy intersection.

Elderly motorists also have a realistic understanding of their physical limitations related to age, such as poor vision and problems with turning to check their blind spots. This leads to more cautious and conservative driving, as well as better planning for trips in the car, such as driving by day and avoiding inclement weather.

How Seniors Can Protect Themselves from Major Injuries

If you are an elderly motorist, there are many things that you can do to protect yourself from serious injuries while on the road. This includes:

If you are involved in a serious collision or lose an elderly loved one as a result of a serious accident, our lawyers will fight diligently on your behalf to ensure that we obtain just compensation for you.

Contact the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke

To learn more about your legal options following a serious auto accident, be sure to contact our team of personal injury lawyers today. At The Law Offices of Sean M. Burke, we will fight diligently for you and your legal rights.