Sean M. Burke, APC

Auto Accidents and DUIs: Why to Avoid Drinking and Driving

Dec 27, 2014 @ 01:20 PM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Drunk Driving Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

At the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke, we are committed to assisting the injured and their loved ones. Helping residents of Orange County for years, we've been particularly helpful with litigation involving motor vehicle collisions. Lawsuits involving serious auto accidents require skilled attorneys to obtain damages, and our legal team will fight hard for you.

Drunk driving is an avoidable cause of many injury accidents and fatal accidents. We'd like to look into DUI/DWI-related collisions in a bit of detail right now.

The Dangers of Drunk Driving

When you drive drunk, your ability to make good decisions is severely impaired. Your reflexes are slower, your motor skills are hampered, and you are less likely to think clearly while behind the wheel. This increases the chances of reckless behaviors and taking chances that sober drivers wouldn't take. The more intoxicated a driver is, the more likely he or she is to get into a collision.

Even Driving Within the Legal Limit Can Be Dangerous

While the legal limit is .08 % BAC, driving within that legal limit can still be dangerous. Buzzed driving, as some call it, is still drunk driving, and your motor skills and decision-making abilities can be impaired by just a little alcohol in your system.

Drunk Driving Numbers Reveal Thousands of Tragedies

Drunk driving leads to thousands of deaths every year. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an estimated 10,322 people were killed in accidents with drunk drivers in the year 2012. The number was up from the 9,865 drunk driving deaths in 2011.

Numbers from 2013 are still being determined, though thankfully drunk driving deaths are down from what they were in the 1990s and the first years of the 2000s.

Drunk Driving Risks Are Often Higher During Holidays

With Christmas just behind us and New Year's Eve approaching soon, the risks of drunk driving tend to go up. Holidays are often times when people take unnecessary risks on the road. While law enforcement is out in greater numbers to catch drunk drivers, they can't stop everyone. Keep this in mind while you are driving during this time of year.

Protect Friends and Loved Ones When They Are Not Sober

If you notice that your friends and loved ones are not sober, make sure that they do not get behind the wheel. Have them stay somewhere until they are sober, take a taxi, or find a ride from someone who's sober that they can trust. This can prevent injuries and save lives, so do not take this for granted.

How Our Attorneys Can Help You

If you or a family member is harmed in an accident caused by a drunk driver, we will be sure to hold that person accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Our legal team will seek damages to cover losses and hardships that you have had to endure. We are here for you.

Speak with the Lawyers at the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke

If you or a loved one has been harmed as a result of a drunk driver, it's important that you find legal representation as soon as possible. We encourage you to contact our team of personal injury lawyers today. At the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke, we will fight tirelessly for you and your loved ones following severe injury accidents.