Sean M. Burke, APC

Who’s at Fault in an Accident Caused by Auto Defects?

Sep 17, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Product Liability Personal Injury Wrongful Death

Most people understand the unfortunate risk that goes along with the freedoms and conveniences of automobiles and driving. However, most also understand that, by making smart and responsible driving decisions, we can help keep the roadways safer for ourselves and others. Unfortunately, even by making these decisions, people are not guaranteed safety on the road. There are some conditions that are out of a driver’s control, one of which is the safety and functionality of their automobile. Every day, auto accidents cause injury and other damages to innocent victims on the road. When these accidents take place, auto accident attorney Sean M. Burke works to protect the rights of these victims. If an auto accident was caused by an auto defect, Sean Burke can help hold the responsible party accountable and collect appropriate compensation for his clients.

Who’s Responsible for Auto Accidents Involving Auto Defects?

When an automobile accident occurs, one of the first questions that comes up is, “who’s at fault?” It would be assumed that the driver of one of the involved vehicles is at fault for causing the accident. However, this is not always the case. A great number of accidents are actually caused by a defect in an automobile. If a vehicle fails to perform as it is meant to, an accident can occur, putting both the driver of the vehicle and others on the road at risk for a collision. Some auto defects that have been known to cause auto accidents include the following:

In addition to these defects that can cause an auto accident, there are also defects that could increase the damages of an accident, including:

As consumers, people have every right to assume that the vehicle they purchase, and each of its parts, will perform as intended. If an accident is caused by an auto defect, or if increased damages or injury occur as the result of an auto defect, the auto manufacturer or the manufacturer of the defective part can be held accountable.

Seeking Compensation

If an auto defect has caused an auto accident, it is important to seek legal compensation from the responsible manufacturer. Not only do victims deserve this compensation, but by holding manufacturers responsible, future accidents may be prevented. Sean Burke has experience in these types of auto accident cases and can help patients seek fair and just compensation. Damages that may be collected by the victims of these accidents include compensation for any medical expenses or lost wages, compensation for property damage, and compensation for pain and suffering.

Contact our Firm

Sean M. Burke and his legal team have successfully collected compensation for a great number of clients. Our experience and understanding of the law help ensure the best possible outcome. If you have been in an auto accident that was the result of an auto defect, contact our firm to discuss the details of your case. We are happy to evaluate your situation and advise you of your legal rights.