Sean M. Burke, APC

Protecting the Rights of Victims of Auto Accidents Involving Distracted Drivers

Jul 17, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

Cars are convenient luxuries that are enjoyed by most members of society. But what many have failed to remember is that driving is a privilege, rather than a right, and with this privilege comes a great responsibility to respect the rules of the road and protect the safety of ourselves and others. Making a reckless decision while driving can have devastating, life-altering consequences. Even a split-second of reckless or distracted driving can cause auto accidents that may result in severe damages to the involved parties. Auto accident lawyer Sean M. Burke understands that in Orange County, auto accidents and distracted drivers often go hand-in-hand. By failing to focus all necessary attention on their driving, distracted drivers make the road unsafe for all who surround them. When an auto accident results from these distracted drivers, Sean Burke fights to hold these drivers accountable for their actions.

Dangers of Distracted Driving

Driving is an activity that requires constant and thorough concentration. From curves in the road to other drivers turning and/or changing lanes of traffic, a driver’s surroundings are constantly changing. If driver fails to pay attention to these ever-changing surroundings, it is very easy for an accident to occur. That is why distracted driving is such a dangerous practice. An activity that takes a driver’s attention from the road for even a second can have serious, and even deadly, consequences. Unfortunately, many drivers engage in distracted driving, often without even realizing the danger of their actions. Distracted driving is considered any activity that takes the drivers eyes off the road, takes the drivers hands off the wheel, or takes the driver’s mind off the task of driving. Common forms of distracted driving include the following:

All of these actions have the potential to pull the drivers attention away from the road and result in an accident. While the damages of a car accident will vary, and may involve only minor damage, the potential for serious injury is high and includes the risk of traumatic spinal injury, brain injury, or even wrongful death.

Holding Distracted Drivers Accountable

When an auto accident occurs as the result of a distracted driver, it is important to hold the driver accountable for their actions. Attorney Sean Burke fights to ensure that the victims of these accidents receive fair and just compensation for damages suffered. First and foremost, victims may be eligible for financial compensation of any medical expenses that incur as the result of the accident. Additionally, clients may be due compensation for loss of wages, loss of property, and pain and suffering. Each case will be unique, but Sean Burke will work hard to receive the best possible outcome for each of his clients.

Contact our Firm

If you or a loved one has suffered the physical, emotional, and financial stress of an auto accident at the hands of a distracted driver, you may be due substantial financial compensation for damages suffered. Contact our firm to discuss the details of your case with auto attorney Sean M. Burke and learn your rights in this situation. We look forward to working with you.