Sean M. Burke, APC

Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Potholes or Road Debris

Jun 17, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Motorcycle Accidents Auto Accidents

As an experienced, highly skilled auto accident lawyer, Sean M. Burke understands just how dangerous poorly maintained roads can be, particularly to motorcyclists. Motorcycles offer far less protection to riders than any other type of motor vehicle, and even bikers who make full use of all the protective gear at their disposal are extremely vulnerable to serious injury or death in the event of an accident. When those accidents are caused by potholes, debris in the road, and other roadway defects that interfere with the safe operation of motorcycles without warning, not even the most experienced bikers are shielded from potential catastrophe.

Unfortunately, due to the many aging and poorly maintained roads in Orange County, motorcycle accidents caused by potholes and road debris are relatively common. Sean M. Burke expertly handles litigation arising from such accidents and has helped many injured bikers and their families obtain the full measure of compensation to which they are entitled. If you or a member of your family has been injured in a motorcycle accident caused by a pothole or road debris, or if you have tragically lost a member of your family in such an accident, Mr. Burke can help you, too.

Among the Most Complex Types of Motorcycle Accident Cases

Cases involving motorcycle accidents caused by potholes or road debris can be among the most complex in personal injury law. Unlike most cases involving collisions with other motor vehicles, it can be extremely difficult to determine liability when accidents are caused by poorly maintained roads. This is where Mr. Burke’s skill in investigating, reconstructing, and identifying the party or parties at fault for accidents comes most powerfully into play.

The party at fault for motorcycle accidents caused by potholes or road debris depends on where the accident occurred, among other things. For example, the maintenance of some roads is the responsibility of the city while in other cases it is the responsibility of the county. Regardless of the government entity responsible for the roadway, the concept of “sovereign immunity” may provide it with additional protections against legal action.

Sovereign immunity does not preclude injured bikers from pursuing legal action, however, especially if it can be demonstrated that the government entity knew or should have known about the pothole or debris and failed to respond to it in a timely manner. It simply means that certain protocols must be followed in order to ensure the success of the claim. Mr. Burke is able to use all of the resources at his disposal to collect evidence that demonstrates negligence on the part of the government agency liable for the accident. Ultimately, he can help you by preparing and presenting the absolute strongest case possible on your behalf. He will fight for your right to compensation for your expenses and losses, including medical and rehabilitation expenses and lost wages.

Contact Our Personal Injury Attorney Today

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident caused by potholes or road debris, or if someone you love was injured or tragically killed in such an accident, we urge you to contact the Law Offices of Sean M. Burke today for an evaluation of your case.