Sean M. Burke, APC

About Head-on Car Accidents

Dec 18, 2013 @ 05:13 PM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

All auto accidents need to be taken seriously, no matter what their cause and the nature of the collision itself. Our personal injury attorneys know that collisions of all kinds can have major impacts on the lives of the injured victims as well as their loved ones, and in the case of fatal accidents, the pain of the loss that is experienced lasts for years and years.

Right now, our legal team would like to focus on the nature of head-on auto accidents. These kinds of collisions are especially serious and victims of these accidents need strong counsel on their side to hold the negligent party who caused the accident accountable.

About Head-On Auto Accidents

Head-on auto accidents refer to collisions in which the front ends of two vehicles collide. This can be between two moving vehicles or between a moving vehicle and a stationary vehicle.

The Reason That Head-On Auto Accidents Are So Serious

The seriousness of head-on auto accidents depend on two factors: the force generated by two vehicles traveling in opposite directions striking one another and the fact that the fronts of these vehicles strike one another.

With regard to the former, greater amounts of force are generated with two masses accelerate toward each other from opposite direction, which means serious injuries are very likely. As for the issue of the front ends of the vehicles colliding, this is where drivers and passengers are commonly located, meaning greater likelihood of serious injury occurring.

Common Causes of Head-On Auto Accidents

Some of the most common causes of head-on auto accidents include:

Should any of the above contribute to a head-on auto accident, having auto accident attorneys on your side can be a great help in the litigation process.

Head-On Auto Accident and Fatalities

Since the amount of force and the chance of serious injuries is high with head-on auto accidents, it should come as no surprise that fatalities are common following head-on auto accidents. Head-on auto accidents are often very deadly, especially when high speeds are involved. Even airbags and safety restraints may not be of help in certain head-on collisions once a certain speed is reached.

How Our Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help You

Our legal team fights diligently for all of our clients. We will look into all of the factors involved in your case and work to obtain both compensatory damages and punitive damages. Compensatory damages are meant to cover property damage, medical bills, and other kinds of actual losses sustained as a result of the accident. Punitive damages are intended to punish the party responsible for the accident, dissuading similar behavior from occurring in the future.

Since the legal system is complicated, our attorneys are happy to offer clients peace of mind, as this makes the recovery and grieving processes easier. Peace of mind shouldn't be taken lightly either as it's what many of our clients need during such a difficult time.

Speak with Skilled Personal Injury Attorneys

If you would like more information about auto accident litigation and many other topics related to legal matters, be sure to contact our Irvine, CA personal injury lawyers today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you with your case.