Sean M. Burke, APC

Statutes of Limitations in the State of California

Oct 17, 2013 @ 10:50 AM — by Sean Burke
Tagged with: Personal Injury Wrongful Death Medial Malpractice

The legal system operates on a number of complicated rules in order to ensure fairness and that the system works for everyone. This is particularly true when it comes to legal proceedings, how they are carried out, and when legal cases can be filed. By partnering with our personal injury attorneys as soon after an incident as possible, you can get the legal assistance that you need when it's needed most.

Right now, our legal team would like to focus on some of the basics regarding the statute of limitations and what that means for legal claims. There are many misunderstandings related to these matters, so we'd like to consider them in some detail right now.

About the Statute of Limitations

A statute of limitations refers to a set amount of time after the occurrence of an incident that a lawsuit can be filed. Any attempts at filing a legal claim outside of this set time frame are deemed invalid. The time frame for filing a legal claim varies from incident to incident, though it's always best to file a claim as soon as possible.

Why Statutes of Limitations Exist

Statutes of limitations exist in order to ensure fairness in legal proceedings. They help ensure that evidence does not degrade or become tainted due to the effects of time, and the statute of limitations also helps ensure that witness testimony is not affected by changes or slips in memory. Ideally this is meant to establish fairness and integrity in the whole legal system.

Statute of Limitations for Civil Actions

Below are some of the statutes of limitations regarding civil actions. Be sure to speak with skilled personal injury and medical malpractice attorneys within the time frames noted below:

Statute of Limitations for Criminal Actions

Below are some of the statutes of limitations with regard to criminal actions. Be sure to speak with legal representatives about the below as soon as possible even if there are no specified time frames. The sooner you get the wheels in motion, the better your chances are at a successful legal outcome.

What Our Legal Team Will Do for You

When you file a legal claim, our team will work diligently to ensure that your side is properly heard. We will help you negotiate all of the hurdles in the system that lay ahead so that you can concentrate on recovery, coping, healing, grieving. Our team offers not just expert counsel but peace of mind.

Learn More About Your Legal Rights

If you would like more information about personal injury lawsuits and other legal cases, be sure to contact our Irvine, CA personal injury lawyers today. Our team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve justice with expert legal counsel.